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Priory Park Infant School

Learning Together with Care and Respect


Priory Infants & Pre-School PTA (PIPP)


The Priory Infants & Pre-School PTA are a registered charity whose aim is to help provide our pupils with the best school experiences possible, striving to raise money to ensure that the school has the tools and resources they need, that may not be covered within usual school budgets.


Some examples of PTA fundraising include:

Half termly themed bake sales

Summer festival

Non uniform days

Magic show

Christmas fayre

Quiz nights 

Frosty Fridays through the summer (selling ice creams after school) 


PTA funding has provided just some of the following:

Animal experiences

Classroom visits & school trips

My Happy Mind ~ an in school program for mental well-being 

Library furniture & Books

Playground equipment

Christmas Gifts


*Volunteer with us!!*


Volunteer benefits:

Make a real difference to the school experience of your children

Meet and socialise with like-minded people

Let your creativity shine

Gain skills to help with future employment 

Have fun at our events


No minimum commitment is required. 

Help on an ad hoc basis to plan, offer an hour of your time on event days, or join our committee at the next annual meeting for a more formal role. 


Please email to learn more or visit our social media accounts! 



Instagram: Pip_pta

Facebook: Priory Park Infants & Pre School PTA