Maths is a key skill for life and at Priory Park Infants, we aim to teach children to be confident mathematicians with a positive attitude to problems solving in real life. We aim to teach fluency, reasoning and problem solving (in line with the National Curriculum 2014) through interactive, engaging and practical sessions. We expect that children will grow to be independent in their learning, choosing and using resources as they wish and we foster resilience when approaching maths tasks through teacher modelling and exploration of concepts. We aim to use a mastery perspective, giving frequent opportunities for Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract learning in each concept we cover. In this way, we encourage our learners to explore pattern and the practical nature of maths. We aim for children to be confident users of mathematical vocabulary in a range of contexts.
We teach daily maths sessions in KS1, generally following the White Rose but with adaptations which are cohort specific. White Rose Maths provides teachers with the opportunity to use small step planning allows children to be secure before moving on, with active learning and participation within lessons. Planning is reactive to the needs of the children and is done throughout the week to reflect progress and gaps in particular classes.
From October 2021 in Reception, children are taught maths through the Mastering Number programme from the NCETM, developing fluency and good number sense. Additional areas of the EYFS curriculum (including shape, space and measure) are taught throughout the year and included in continuous provision so children have the opportunity to master skills. Mastering Number sessions are covered each week in Year 1 and Year 2, building number sense through short focused practice, building fluency.
New concepts are introduced with some diagnostic questioning, allowing teachers to assess gaps and starting points for learning. Through formative assessment and the use of Chris Quigley’s ‘Key Milestone Indicators’, teachers keep ongoing assessments of children’s progress through Pupil Asset. Children are taught through clear modelling of CPA approach.
Teachers are skilled in introducing and explaining new vocabulary and use questioning effectively to encourage progress and to unpick misconceptions which may exist. Children use “Felt Tip Books” in Year 1 and 2 to journal their maths, provide additional opportunities for embedding a concept. Maths working walls are used in each classroom to support children with examples of work and strategies and key vocabulary each week.
Children are encouraged use a range of resources in all classes to support learning and are encouraged to show their understanding through jottings and drawings. These include numicon, base 10 and tens frames and these resources are freely available for children to access throughout the day.
Where children are not making progress, additional intervention may take place in the form of pre tutoring through ‘Maths Chat’, 1:1 booster sessions or set interventions such as ‘1st Class @ Number’.
Parents and carers of children in EYFS are kept up to date with their child’s progress through Tapestry updates, through parent consultations and are are invited to Stay and Play sessions in Spring (when Covid restrictions are not in place). Staff have also created a “Supporting Children’s Maths” booklet to help families embed maths learning at home.
Parents and carers of children in Key Stage 1 are provided with “Maths at Home” booklets which give practical ideas for how to support children with each area of the National Curriculum. They are set maths challenges through Tapestry throughout the year and progress and areas for development are discussed at parent consultations throughout the year.
All children are given an individual “Numbots” login and are encourage to practise little and often each week to develop number sense, subitising and fluency.
At Priory Park Infants, children show high levels of engagement in maths, using resources independently and using mathematical vocabulary to discuss their work. Children are confident learners able to talk about their learning with peers and adults. Children have solid number sense and show resilience when approaching maths tasks. Planning has been designed for the children in each class, building on successes and filling gaps, particularly those left by COVID lockdowns. Parents feel well informed in what their children are learning in school and how to support them further at home.