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Priory Park Infant School home page

Priory Park Infant School

Learning Together with Care and Respect

Opening Times

Pre-School opening and closing times

 Morning sessionAfternoon sessionAll day
Monday    9 to 12am     12 to 3pm  9 to 3pm
Tuesday    9 to 12am     12 to 3pm  9 to 3pm
Wednesday    9 to 12am     12 to 3pm  9 to 3pm
Thursday    9 to 12am     12 to 3pm  9 to 3pm
Friday    9 to 12am     12 to 3pm  9 to 3pm


Rainbow Playgroup children enter via the front entrance.  Sunshine Pre-School enter via the back gate.

The gate/doors are open as follows:


Start of the Day - 08.55 to 09.05

Lunch Time Pick Up or Drop Off - 11.55 to 12.05

End of the Day - 14.55 to 15.05



The Pre-School Office

The office is open from 8.30am to 3.30pm. When contacting us please call: 01480 403688.  It may not always be possible to speak to the person you require immediately. In these cases a message will be taken and passed to the person required who will return the call as soon as possible.