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Priory Park Infant School

Learning Together with Care and Respect

Making a Complaint

Raising a Concern 

Working in partnership with Priory Park Infant School


Raising a suggestion, concern or complaint

We work hard to maintain good relationships with our parents and the local community.  Sometimes people can see ways we could improve things, and helpful suggestions are valuable.  Sometimes people want to raise a concern or even complain formally about issues relating to a matter at the school.

It is the responsibility of schools to manage their own complaints and the Local Authority has no over-riding role other than to give advice.


Every school must have a Complaints Policy and ours is available on the link below.  If you require a hard copy, please ask at the school office.


If you have a concern or complaint; in the first instance, please contact your child’s class teacher.  If you feel your complaint has not been addressed and you still have concerns, please contact the school office and they will arrange for you to meet with your child’s year group team leader or a member of the Senior Leadership Team.  Finally, if you remain unhappy with the actions taken or feel that your concern has still not been addressed, please contact the school office to arrange an appointment with the Headteacher.


Many concerns can be dealt with informally, however the school will treat the issues you raise seriously and will deal with them. 

If you remain dissatisfied, then you have the opportunity to make a formal complaint through the Governing Body’s Complaints Procedure. Details of how to do this are contained within our Complaints Policy.


At the end of the School Complaints Procedure, should you remain concerned that the Governors have acted or are proposing to act unreasonably, or that the Governors have failed to discharged their duties under legislation, the final course of action available to you is to write to DfE:

School Complaints Unit, Department of Education, 2nd Floor Piccadilly Gate, Store Street, Manchester, M1 2WD to ask for your case to be reviewed.


If, at any point, after you have exhausted the complaints procedure, if there is an attempt to reopen the same complaint, you will be informed in writing that the procedure has been exhausted and the matter is now closed.

Persistent complaints

The school has adopted a persistent/unreasonable complaints policy to deal with the rare cases where a complainant’s behaviour is unreasonable or might be considered to be harassment.  The policy is available on the link below.  If you require a hard copy, please ask at the school office.


A persistent complainant is a parent/carer or member of the public who complains about issues, either formally or informally, or frequently raises issues that the complainant considers to be within the remit of the School and whose behaviour is unreasonable.  Such behaviour may be characterised by:

  • Actions which are obsessive, persistent, harassing, prolific, repetitious and/or
  • Prolific correspondence or excessive e-mail or telephone contact about a concern or complaint
  • An insistence upon pursuing unmeritorious complaints and/or unrealistic or unreasonable outcomes
  • An insistence upon pursuing meritorious complaints in an unreasonable manner


Harassment is the unreasonable pursuit of such actions as in (a) to (d) above in such a way that they

  • Appear to be targeted over a significant period of time on one or more members of school staff and/or
  • Cause ongoing distress to individual members(s) of school staff and/or
  • Have a significant adverse effect on the whole/parts of the school community and/or
  • Are pursued aggressively.

Legitimate new complaints, if not pursued in harassing or unreasonable way, will still be considered even if the person making them is, or has been subject to the Harassment/Persistent complaints policy.