School policies cover every aspect of school life. Below are some of our most important policies for your reference. If you want to know our policy on something that is not listed, please ask the school office. Paper copies are available from the school office
If you have concerns and have followed the correct route but still feel your concerns have not been addressed, please use the complaints form to escalate your concerns to Governors.
Under review and awaiting Governor approval:
There are currently no policies under review or awaiting approval.
General Policies (Approved by Governing Body)
- Accessibility Plan 2024-2028.pdf
- Admissions policy 2023.pdf
- Allegations of abuse against staff Jan 24.pdf
- Allergy policy June 24.pdf
- Anti Bullying.pdf
- Attendance Policy.pdf
- PPI behaviour policy
- Written Statement of Behaviour Principles
- Calculation
- CCTV Policy
- Charges and Remissions policy June 2024.pdf
- Children with Health Needs who Cannot Attend School.pdf
- Code-of-Conduct-for-All-Adults.pdf
- Confidentiality-Policy.pdf
- Data Breach.pdf
- Data Protection Policy - Mar 24.pdf
- Equality Information and Action plan 23.pdf
- Equality Policy Statement.pdf
- EYFS policy June 2024.pdf
- Governor allowances policy Nov 23.pdf
- Home School Agreement
- Home_school_Communication policy.pdf
- Parent Communications Protocol .pdf
- Lettings Policy.pdf
- Medical policy 2023.pdf
- Online Safety and Acceptable Use Policy PPI June 2023.pdf
- Protocol for Children Not Collected - June 2023.pdf
- Recruitment and Selection Policy and Procedure.pdf
- Relationships and Sex Education (RSE).pdf
- Safer Employment Policy.pdf
- SEN and Inclusion Policy.pdf
- SEN Information Report 2023-2024
- SRE policy October 2022.pdf
- Supporting pupils with medical needs policy Feb 24.pdf
- PPI children with health needs who cannot attend school NOV 23.pdf
- Tapestry.pdf
- Uniform policy.pdf
- Whistleblowing Policy and Procedure Updated Feb 24.pdf
- Privacy Notice - Governors-Volunteers 2024.pdf
- Privacy Notice - Job Applicants 24.pdf
- Privacy Notice - Parents-Carers 24.pdf
- Privacy Notice - Pupils 24.pdf
- Privacy Notice - School Workforce .24.pdf
- Privacy Notice - Suppliers of Goods and Services 24.pdf
- Privacy Notice - Visitors 24.pdf
- PPI Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy - September 2024.pdf