At Priory Park Infant School, we intend to teach children how to use technology safely to learn about the world around them through exploring, experimenting and finding and representing information. We do this through our Computing curriculum and cross curricular links. It is our intent to ensure that children are equipped to use technology in the ever changing world safely and to know what to do and where to go for help if they have concerns about something they have seen online. It is our intent to create respectful, responsible and safe digital learners.
At Priory Park Infants, children in the EYFS are given opportunities to develop their knowledge and understanding of Computing through adult lead and child initiated activities. We use Purple Mash to cover the key areas of the National Curriculum at Key Stage 1, building in regular coverage of appropriate e-safety issues across the school. We do so through discrete teaching, whole school assemblies and participation in Safer Internet Day in February. Children have experience of ‘unplugged’ computing activities, as well as learning basic mouse and keyboard skills through whole class Computing sessions in years 1 and 2. They also develop skills in creating and debugging algorithms, coding and communicating their ideas to others in a range of ways.
Children are confident and safe users of technology. They understand how to use it appropriately, to a level which is age specific. This is important due to the changing nature and use of technology in the world around us. Children are enthusiastic and are able to work with developing resilience when using technology.