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Priory Park Infant School

Learning Together with Care and Respect



Writing is an integral part of our curriculum. All of our children are provided with a range of exciting opportunities to develop and apply their writing skills across the curriculum. Our aim is to equip children with the skills needed to be able to orally rehearse, plan, compose, revise and evaluate their writing. We want our children to develop into confident, able writers who see the value of, and find pleasure in, the writing process. We have high expectations for all pupils within our school and endeavour to ensure that all children make good progress in their writing.




Our writing curriculum is organised progressively from Reception to Y2, building on the skills children acquire in EYFS. Writing is evident across our curriculum and a wide range of genres are taught throughout the school, using the Talk for Writing approach.  To ensure children develop a love of writing and the skills needed to be an effective writer we:


  • immerse children in high-quality texts and encourage each child to think of themselves as authors

  • teach writing through a range of exciting stimuli including artefacts, visitors and meaningful real-life and first-hand experiences to engage and motivate children. 

  • model the writing process daily to support children’s writing and make expectations clear

  • ensure children write for a real purpose and reason

  • provide children with opportunities to develop a rich vocabulary to bring their own writing to life

  • teach Spelling, Punctuation, Grammar and Phonics explicitly and support children to apply them in context

  • model and teach the proof-reading and checking process, building in Year 2  to making revisions and additions to improve writing

  • use a sequential approach to teaching handwriting

  • ensure children who have gaps in their knowledge receive appropriate support and intervention


Children at Priory Park Infants make good progress in writing. They are able to apply writing skills consistently across the curriculum. Children develop the skills to write in a variety of genres, building up their ability to write for longer and begin to edit their writing to improve the final piece.